Russia’s leading rolled bar & calibrated steel manufacturer

The plant supplies iron and steel to companies from the automotive and aircraft industries, electrical engineering, machine building and other industries.

Nadezhdinski Metallurgical Plant: Вакансии

Requirements: Высшее профессиональное (техническое) образование, опыт работы в должности инженер по наладке и испытаниям не менее 3-х лет
Working conditions: Пятидневный графи грабы, 8.2 час., выходные: суббота, воскресенье
Wage: от 35 000 руб.
Place of work Группа привода постоянного тока лаборатории электропривода
Human Resources Contact Information: Тел. 8(34385)55555 добав. 33-49; 8(34385)55555 добав. 33-50; e-mail:
(Please attach your CV)
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иконка калькуляторMetal Rolling Calculator
Calculations are preliminary, for more accurate calculations contact the company manager. Telephone +7 (34368) 9 85 44
иконка калькуляторRailway Tariff Calculator
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Calculations are preliminary, for more accurate calculations contact the company manager. Telephone +7 (34368) 9 85 44
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